Join us for our 5th Annual Healing through Creativity Art Event. There are two Festivals this year.
Healing Through Creativity Survivor Art Event Sept 17-19 2010 Bramwell WV and Oct 1-2010 Roanoke VA
Join us for some exciting workshops, guest speakers, performances and explore survivor artwork. For survivors and their supporters of domestic violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault, war trauma, disability, illness and other trauma. Its free to attend and enter. Presentations/Workshops this year will include Art and Healing workshops, organisation displays, poetry presentations, Live Music and survivor art works.
For more information see our website at
Please forward this message to your friends, post on your websites and Facebook and help us spread the news of this years Festivals in Bramwell WV and Roanoke VA.
Schedules 2010
Sept 17-19 2010 in Bramwell, WV
Bramwell Town Hall, 100 Simmons Avenue, Bramwell, WV
Friday, Sept. 17, 2010
1-5 PM Open Gallery and Windhorse Healing Arts
Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010
10-5 Open Gallery and Windhorse Healing Arts
10-11 Sara Johnson “Mad to Live” art therapy
11-12 noon - Laura Conkle “Internal Narrative In Action - Personal Development”
1 – 2 PM Paolette Coronel “Ignorance is Bliss”
3-4 PM Cynthia Cox “Incest Survivor Awareness”
Sunday, Sept.19, 2010
2-4PM Musical Groups
Healing through Creativity Festival - Roanoke VA
October 1-3 2010
Grandin Gardens, 1731 Grandin Road, Roanoke, VA
Friday Oct. 1, 2010
1-8 PM Open Gallery
6-8 PM Potluck Dinner on Front Porch
Saturday Oct. 2, 2010
10AM-9PM Open Gallery
11-noon Paolette Coronel “Ignorance is Bliss”
1-2PM Barbara Shine “The Healing Journal”
2:30-3:30PM Lisa Plummer “Soul Collage Workshop”
4-5PM T.Byron Kelly - Spectral Arts – Music
6-7PM "Writing through the Pain" by Audrey Roth
7 – 8PM Jenny Miller “Code of Silence: Beneath the American Dream – Multimedia Poetry presentation”
8:30-9PM Music
Sunday, Oct. 3, 2010
Open Gallery 1-3PM
Why not join us at the forum at and meet others before travelling to the event. Volunteers are welcomed.
Ask us about preferred rates for accommodation for Festival attendees.
Contact us today for more information on
The Healing through Creativity Team 2010
Phone: 304 545 6286